Previously discussed that very good pare benefits for pregnancy, diet,and beauty. However, did you know that pare ternya is one of the sugar disease drug quite effective? Pare is known by several terms like bitter gourd or bitter gourd, bitter melon or karela turned out can help stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetics, so the risk of complications can be minimised.
Cure diseases of sugar – Fotolia
Pare benefits as medicine Diabetes
Karela aka pare is not really a vegetable, but instead a fruit, although in Indonesia, pare is commonly used as a vegetable. PARE turns out to be very rich in essential vitamins and anti oxidants that much neededbody. PARE touted as cure disease dry or wet sugar because in it there are two very important compounds, namely momordicin and charatin.Both are key to lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetes mellitus.
Rich in anti oxidants in it also helps the body fight against complications in diabetics by means of hunting and trapping free radicals. You would benefit more by consuming seeds pare, because in it contained plant named polypeptide insulin-P. It is almost the same as human insulinproduced pankres. Thus, the benefits of pare is improving the levels ofinsulin in the body.
Pare benefits for treating diseases of sugar – Shutterstock
How to Cure Diseases using a Pare as Sugar
Then, how do I use the pare as wet or dry sugar disease? The best benefits of karela fruit will be obtained by consumption of crude in the State as a whole (without cooked) while the stomach in an empty. The taste is bitter indeed; However, the effect of a decrease in blood sugar are also growing fast. In addition, the karela are also consumed in the form of juice from unripe fruit, or at least made the daily menu in your diet.
In developed countries, the fruit of karela have been produced commercially in the form of preparations in tablets or concentrates. But in Indonesia, preparations such as this is not yet available. So, you have to set it up yourself. To reduce the bitterness, do the following stages:
Pare pieces into several parts; part of the skin and seeds disposed
Soak it in salt water or kunyi for 15 minutes to reduce the bitterness
Remove from marinade and blend together water and a few drops of lemon. You can also add pieces of fruit of Malacca (amla) as a substitute for the lemon is also a source of vitamin C
Strain and drink when the stomach is empty in the circumstances. Preferably, drink the juice pare in the morning.
Pare fruit juice as a cure diabetes – Fotolia
However, please note that the juice can pare causing a decrease in blood sugar dramatically, so the risk against severe diabetics. So, do not consume sugar disease drugs together pare more, because the two drugs taken together can make diabetics at risk of experiencing gipoglikemia (blood sugar too low). If you experience nausea, body shakes, dizziness, or even lose consciousness, stop the use of juice pare or reducethe overdose until your body is used to.
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