Despite the sophistication of medical technology is growing in Indonesia, but it was proven that many people prefer herbal medicine and natural as typhoid disease drug because they are cheaper in terms of cost and does not cause other side effects in people who mengonsumsinnya compared to modern medicine.
Herbal Tipes Disease Drugs (Shutterstock)
Benefits Leaves Ruku-bow and Cloves As Tipes Disease Drugs
Cloves and basil is a natural plant that is believed to cure typhoid disease effectively because it has a wide range of benefits such as:
Prevent fever; Leaves of basil or basil in the Java language has a natural content of vitamin C as well as anttipesioksidan very high and can strengthen the immune system to treat gejalan heat caused by typhoid fever.
Anti-inflammatory: Tipes often cause inflammation in the form of swelling or joint pain disorder so the body feels ill and can not be moved easily. Basil is typhoid disease drug in children because it has a high calcium content that can reduce inflammation and pain in the joints of bones.
Benefits of basil leaves to treat typhoid disease (Fotolia)
Improve the digestive system: typhoid is a disease that makes penderitannya experiencing gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, intestinal gas, abdominal pain and even frequent nausea and vomiting. Cloves serves to soothe the digestive tract tissue and overcome the irritation of the stomach so that the stomach becomes quieter.
Keeping the body to keep warm: Cloves does have a wide variety of mineral deposits both suitable for use as a medicinal herb. For typhoid disease, cloves can maintain body temperature AGR stay warm, so people will not feel the cold typhoid due to body temperature changes.
Herbal Medicinal Natural Tipes Disease
Can be used as a drug for typhoid disease naturally, then the basil and clove should be processed first into herbs as follows:
potion Clove
To treat typhoid effectively, perform the following steps:
Boil eight grains of cloves in eight glasses of water to boiling and the water becomes fragrant.
After that, give one cup of herb clove daily in patients with typhus so that the stomach feel comfortable and inflammation can subside.
In addition to the water boiled, clove granules can also be eaten directly so that the body feels warmer.
Efficacy of cloves as a medicine for typhoid - Fotolia
Potions Ruku-Ruku
The next drug that can be used are the leaves of basil or basil. Basil itself contains a natural antibiotic that can fight bacteria that cause disease effectively; how:
Boil about 20 leaves of basil with a teaspoon of grated ginger in hot water.
Boil water to a boil and only the remaining half
No need to add honey or other sweeteners because it could damage the natural womb
Give the typhoid patients to drink about 2 to 3 times a day until the condition improves.
Good information about the benefits and the use of sweet basil leaves and cloves as typhoid disease herbal medicine you can apply at home so it can hea
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