HEALTH - You need to know what it is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is the pressure found in the blood in the arteries when blood is pumped by the heart entuk spread throughout the human body. Blood pressure differentiate into two size 140/90 mmHg and blood pressure in the arteries and is 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg. 140 pressure is the blood pressure that shows pembutluh arterial pressure pulsing / beats or disibut with Top pressure (systolic). As for the 90 pressure is the pressure that the heart is at rest between the current state of the pumping, pressure is called istilahTekanan Down (diastolic).
What Causes Blood Pressure Rises?
Why can increase blood pressure? What causes blood pressure meniongkat? This is because the blood vessels to narrow, if the blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure in the vessels will also increase. when blood flow increases, the blood pressure itself also will increase.
Causes of High Blood
Some things and faktorlah causes blood pressure in our body becomes high, here are some things and factors that cause the body is exposed to high blood pressure:
Heredity Factors
Heredity is a factor that is not caused by our own, but rather is caused by parents who have high blood pressure and blood pressure are owned by the parents may also be owned by you because it revealed to you ..
Age factor
The age factor is the cause of a person's age so that high blood pressure. Why? Because researchers have observed that with age saemakin higher the human blood pressure.
Factors Salts
Factor is capable of salt increases blood pressure in the human body especially for diabetics, hipertennsi, old age, etc.
This is because excess fat in the body, it can cause kolestrerol in the walls of blood vessels. This can cause blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to rise.
That was some of the factors and causes increased blood pressure in tubuhkan. Actually there are many causes and contributing factors of high blood pressure, but I can not mention it to the full. So to keep health in order to live healthily.
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