HEALTH - The heart is one of the organs of the body are very important to the human body, can be called the vital organs of a human being. Jatung itself has a role as the organ that pumps blood throughout the body, the blood in the body throughout the flush also brings oxygen and nutrients which will be distributed to the body. Just imagine if the heart we have can't function any longer or not healthy anymore. Surely we will not live healthy and have a healthy body, these are some of the signsor symptoms of heart failure on our body is not healthy anymore:
There are some signs that we can know from the heart that is not healthy. This can we know of the symptoms and signs on the body, and so that's what we need to know what are the signs and symptoms that arise due to the heart that is not healthy anymore. Here are some signs that occur in the body if the heart is not healthy anymore:
- Snoring is one of the signs of an unhealthy heart. When snoring at night while sleeping the day it marked that our heart in unhealthy conditions.
- Erectile dysfunction is a sign of where the heart is not in a healthy condition. So, when we are experiencing erectile dysfunction that mark heart we are experiencing an unhealthy condition. This sign also indicates that the heart we are experiencing problems related to the disease inthe heart.
- Swollen gums and bleeding is also one of the symptoms that indicatethe heart are in unhealthy conditions. If we experience swollen gums bleed it or mark the heart we are not in a healthy condition.
- swollen is a sign that the heart is healthy, as in fingers, ankles, wrist we tasted swell
- An irregular pulse rate is also one of the sign of an unhealthy heart, sowhen we feel the irregular pulse was marked with a heart that we are not in a healthy condition.
- Pain in the shoulder and the chest is a sign of our heart in unhealthy conditions. So when we feel pain – pain in the shoulders and chest, hisheart that we're in an unhealthy condition.
- Shortness of breath is also one of the signs of an unhealthy heart. If we are experiencing shortness of breath is a sign or symptom that indicates that the heart is not in the condition we're healthy.
That's some of the signs and symptoms of a heart that is not healthy.So if we experience things above immediately to anticipate and consult the doctor how to anticipate an unhealthy heart, that is not sustainable and not occur kevatalan and unwanted things in our heart.
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